Districts – 2025

NYWA Districts are held following the Minnesota State High School Wrestling tournament. Wrestlers must attend one of the districts in order to qualify for regions.  Wrestlers can attend any district they choose BUT, if they qualify at that district, they MUST attend the regional tournament that that district is under with the exception of the Early Bird. For example, a wrestler who attends and qualifies at the Austin district MUST wrestle at the Region One tournament (Rochester region).  Wrestlers who place 1st or 2nd at districts will advance to the regional tournament.  At regions, a wrestler must place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the weight class to advance to State (with the exception of the wildcard region which advances the top 4 to state). Wrestlers who place 4th, 5th or 6th at regions can advance to the Invite tournament if they wish.  For region 3 ONLY, 7-8th graders must attend at least one district tournament in region 3, and by doing so, he/she will automatically qualify for the region 3 tournament (rev. 1/15/25).

Early Bird Districts ~  Anyone can wrestle in this (K-8th); the top 2 in each weight class can choose which region they want to attend to qualify for state (rev. 1/15/25).

Grizzly Growler (WEM/JWP): Sunday, Feb. 9th

Contact: Larry Moreno
Phone: (507) 272-2922
View tournament flyer

Lumberjack Early Bird (Cloquet): Sunday, February 2nd

Contact: Cody Salo
Phone: (218) 341-6315
View tournament flyer

District Events, listed by Region

A wrestler can go to as many districts as they want but, they CANNOT take qualifying papers for multiple regions and then choose which region to go to as you are eliminating other kids from advancing!!  Once you advance, please let the folks at awards know so the next wrestler in line has the opportunity to go to regions!!

Region One

Austin: Sunday, March 2nd

Contact: Jacob Nelson
Phone: (612) 418-3680
Email: jacob.nelson@austin.k12.mn.us
View tournament flyer

Plainview: Friday, March 7th

Contact: Michael Matiash
Phone: (507) 421-0549
View tournament flyer

Stewartville: Saturday, March 8th

Contact: Randy Rager
Phone: (320) 761-3268
View tournament flyer

Hayfield/Blooming Prairie: Friday, March 7th

Contact: Doug Miner
Phone: (507) 583-2712
View tournament flyer

Region Two

Adrian: Sunday, March 9th

Contact: Tony Thier
Phone: (507) 226-4850
Email: tonythier42@gmail.com
View tournament flyer

Albert Lea: Friday, March 7th

Contact: Tyler Vogt
Phone: (507) 379-5297
View tournament flyer

Minneota: Friday, March 7th

Contact: Matt Buysse and Beau Buysse
Phone: (507) 530-0213 and (507) 829-5862
View tournament flyer

Springfield: Saturday, March 8th

Contact: Luke Amsden or Bill Krueger
Phone: (507) 227-6222 and (507) 276-6182
Email: lucas.amsden@springfield.mntm.org
View tournament flyer

Region Three

Delano: Friday, March 14th

Contact: Mike Berg
Phone: 952-239-1258
Visit delanowrestling.com
View tournament flyer

Chaska/Chanhassen: Sunday, March 9th

Contact: Lucas Tollefson
Phone: 507-381-3355
View tournament flyer

Glencoe-Silver Lake/Lester Prairie: Saturday, March 15th

Contact: Chris Dressen
Phone: (612) 799-8195
View tournament flyer

Tartan: Sunday, March 9th

Contact: Peyton Floyd and Andrew Johnson
Phone: (651) 431-8486 and (612) 384-0750
Email: wrestling@oaaonline.com
View tournament flyer

Region Four

Foley: Friday, March 7th

Contact: Dan Britz and Aaron Bemboom
Email: foleyfalconwrestling@gmail.com
View tournament flyer

Pierz: Sunday, March 16th

Contact: Steve Andres
Phone: (320) 630-5303
View tournament flyer

Benson: Friday, March 7th

Contact: Scott Thompson
Phone: (320) 368-0499
View tournament flyer

Belgrade: Saturday, March 8th

Contact: Dustin Breitbach and Jack Mueller
Phone: (320) 250-4166 and (320) 291-9622
View tournament flyer

Region Five

Greenbush: Saturday, March 8th

Contact: Ron Mooney
Phone: (218) 689-7558
View tournament flyer

Pine River/Pequot Lake: Saturday, March 8th

Contact: Brittany Sonenstahl
Phone: (218) 838-3430
View tournament flyer

Pelican Rapids: NOW SUNDAY, 3/16

Due to the prediction of freezing rain Friday, turning into blizzard conditions Saturday in the Pelican Rapids area.
Doors open at 10 am, weigh-ins will be from 10-11:30 and wrestling will begin at noon.

Contact: John Norton
Phone: (701) 809-4431
View tournament flyer – updated to 3/16/25

Deer River: Saturday, March 15th

Contact: Nathan Erickson
Phone: (218) 244-6264
View tournament flyer

Wildcard Rotation

2025 – Region Three
2026 – Region Four
2027 – Region Five
2028 – Region One
2029 – Region Two

Individual Regions Tournament – 2025

Wrestlers must have wrestled at an NYWA district tournament prior to attending a regional event.  Region tournaments are NOT open tournaments; they are part of a qualifying process.  There are NO exceptions to this.  The top three wrestlers in each weight class will advance to state with the exception of the wild card region see wild card rotation below).

Weight classes for kindergarten has changed, effective September 2017.
View weight classes

**Region tournaments are NOT open tournaments; all PK-8th grade wrestlers must qualify at a district tournament. Online registration is required.

Region One

Friday, March 21st & Saturday, March 22nd

Location: Byron High School, 1887 2nd Ave. NW, Byron  55920
Contact: Dean Nelson
Phone: (507) 635-5519
Friday: 5-8th grade ONLY; weigh-ins from 4-5 pm, wrestling begins at 5:30-6 pm.
Saturday: K-4th grade; weigh-ins from 7:30-8:30 am, wrestling begins at 9-9:30 am.

Region Two

Friday, March 21st & Saturday, March 22nd 

Location:  Windom Area High School, 1400 17th St., Windom  56101
Contact: Dave or Joni Fischenich
Phone: (507) 830-0364 or (507) 221-0224
Friday: 7 & 8th grade; weigh-ins 4-4:45, wrestling at 5:30 pm
Saturday: PK-6th grade; weigh-ins 8-9 am; wrestling at 10 am
For other general information, check out these websites: www.windom-mn.com

Region Three

Saturday, March 22nd

Location: Waconia High School, 1650 Community Drive, Waconia  55387
Contact: Jeff Katherman
Email: jdkatherman@gmail.com
Saturday: K-4th grade will weigh-in from 7-8:30 am, wrestling begins at 9:30 am; 5th-8th grade will weigh-in from 11 am-12:30 pm, wrestling begins at 1:30 pm.
View tournament flyer

Region Four

Friday, March 21st & Saturday, March 22nd

Location: New London-Spicer High School, 101 4th Ave. SW, New London 56273
Contact: Jay Vagle
Phone: (320) 212-2854
Friday: 7th & 8th grade ONLY; weigh-ins from 4-4:30 pm, wrestling begins at 5 pm.
Saturday: K-6th grade; weigh-ins from 8-9:00 am, wrestling begins at 10:00 am.

Region Five

Friday, March 21st & Saturday, March 22nd

Location: Bemidji High School, 2900 Division St. W., Bemidji  56601
Contact: Kyle McMartin
Email: bemidjiwrestlingclubinfo@gmail.com
Friday: 5-8th grade ONLY; weigh-ins from 3-5 pm, wrestling begins at 5:30 pm.  Doors open at 3 for weigh-ins ONLY; general public can enter at 3:45 pm.
Saturday: K-4th grade; weigh-ins from 7:30-9:30 am, wrestling begins at 10:30 am.

Wildcard Rotation

​2025 – Region Three
2026 – Region Four
​2027 – Region Five
2028 – Region One
2029 – Region Two

Team Region Tournaments – 2025

Click here to view team rules (updated 9/19/17).  For questions regarding team eligibility, please email team coordinator Dean Teeselink at nywateam@gmail.com.

All registrations must be done online and payment must be made at time of entry.  Registration for K-6 and 7-8 teams will begin early-January.  Pre-registration is required.

Rosters can change from region to state and can change up until weigh-ins at state.  Skin checks will be completed by MN High School wrestling officials.  Please have a skin condition form completed by a physician prior to the tournament if there is a questionable skin condition.

** All wrestlers participating as part of a team MUST have an NYWA membership.  Each roster will be checked prior to the team event. Click to go to the NYWA membership form.

**DEADLINE: The deadline will be posted at a later date (usually it is two weeks prior). Rosters can change up until weigh-ins.  Confirm with team tournament director as to when final rosters are due for program purposes.

VIEW TEAM BOUNDARIES MAP (updated 01/29/13)

*COACHES/REGISTRATION: To sign up your team, go to the member portal and register your team.  You do NOT have to complete roster when you register, the finalized roster is due the week prior to the tournament.  All wrestlers must have a current NYWA membership in order to be added to your roster.

K-6 Team Regions

Date: Sunday, March 23rd
Eyota High School, Eyota, MN
Curt Olson
(507) 951-0407

Date: Saturday, March 15th
Veterans Memorial Center, 336 Morgan Street, Tracy, MN
Karl Campbell and Jeremy Trulock
(507) 829-8924 and (507) 829-5515
​Weigh-ins: 8:30-9:30 am; wrestling begins at 10 am.
View tournament flyer

Date: Sunday, March 23rd
Waconia High School, 1650 Community Drive, Waconia
Jeff Katherman (email: jdkatherman@gmail.com)
Lisa Marsh (email: lisamarshpharmd@gmail.com)
View tournament flyer

Date: Saturday, March 15th
Pierz-Healy High School, Pierz, MN
Steve Andres – main contact (320) 630-5303
​Weigh-ins: 8 am – 9 am; wrestling begins at 9:30 am

Date: Sunday, March 23rd
Fosston High School, Fosston, MN
Pat Wolfe
(218) 280-8964

7-8 Team Regions

Date: Sunday, March 9th
Grand Meadow High School, 710 4th Ave. NE, Grand Meadow, MN
Randy Smith
(507) 273-5470
Weigh-ins will be at 10:30 am with wrestling starting noon.

Date: Sunday, March 23rd
Location: Worthington High School, 1211 Clary St., Worthington, MN
Dusty Neugebauer

Date: Sunday, March 9th
Location: Big Lake High School, 501 Minnesota Ave. Big Lake, MN
Marv Sims
(763) 843-9897
Weigh-ins from 7:3-8:30 am; wrestling begins at 9 am.

Date: Sunday, March 23rd
Paynesville High School
Max Meagher
(763) 412-0869
Weigh-ins: 7:30-8:30 am with wrestling to start at 9 am

Date: Saturday, March 8th
Location: Pequot Lakes High School, 30805 Olson St., Pequot Lakes, MN
Brittany Sonenstahl
(218) 838-3430
Wrestling will begin after the district qualifier is complete.

View team weight classes

2025 NYWA State Championship Tournament,
March 27 – 30


Tournament location: Mayo Civic Center, 30 Civic Center Dr. SE, Rochester
Session One: Thursday-Friday, 5th-8th grade/7-8 Team
Session Two: Saturday-Sunday, K-4th grade/K-6 Team

Admission is paid daily or multi-day passes can be purchased ($10/day adults, $5/day students K-12).

Coach/Floor passes can be purchased for each session $50/session or daily $25/day (this pass also serves as your admission).

Invitational Tournament; March 27-30 (view itinerary – see bottom half)

The Invitational tournament is run in conjunction with the State Tournament.  Any wrestler who places 4th-6th at regions or who is wrestling at state as part of a team can register for the Invite tournament. If a wrestler wrestled at regions but did not make it to state, he/she can register for this event if there are open spots in the bracket.

Girls Tournament: April 4-6, Mayo Civic Center (pre-registration is required for this tournament; NO walk-ins) – view itinerary.

There are no qualifying events for this tournament; this is an open tournament. If a girl qualifies for state but has already registered for this event, she can move to the state tournament.  All girls participating will need a current NYWA membership.  There is a one-lb. allowance for all girls (team and individual).

State Tournament

A wrestler must wrestle in districts first and then advance through regions to state.  All wrestlers, team and individual, will receive a one-pound allowance. All NYWA rules will apply.

Weigh-in times will vary for each event; refer to the itinerary above.

NYWA regions and state are NOT open tournaments. Wrestlers are not allowed to wrestle in regions if they did not participate at a district and cannot wrestle at state if they did not wrestle at regions.  Wrestlers cannot change weight classes from regions to state.

If you have additional questions, please contact NYWA at (800) 540-4140 or email NYWA at info@nywa-mn.com.

NYWA Future Calendar

These dates are subject to change and are tentative dates only.

2025 NYWA Schedule

MN State High School Wrestling: February 27 – March 1
NYWA Districts: March 7-9 and March 14-16
NYWA Regions: March 21-22 (team dates will vary)
NYWA State: March 27-30
NYWA Girls Open (no walk-ins): April 4-5
Easter Sunday: April 20

2026 NYWA Schedule

MN State High School Wrestling: February 27 – March 1
NYWA Districts: March 6-8 and March 13-15
NYWA Regions: March 20-21 (team dates will vary)
NYWA State: March 26-29
NYWA Girls Open (no walk-ins): April 3-4 (Friday-Saturday due to Easter)
Easter Sunday: April 5

2027 NYWA Schedule

NYWA Girls Open: March 26-27
NYWA State: April 1-4

NYWA State: 3/31-4/2
Girls State: 4/8-4/9
Girls: 3/30-3/31 (Friday & Saturday since Easter is April 1)
NYWA State: 4/5-4/8
NYWA State: 3/28-3/31
Girls State: 4/6-4/7